Email Marketing for Dentists
Building trust with your current and prospective patients is a must. Having a way to communicate with your patients about upcoming promotions, changes in office hours, or simply to remind them to book their six month check-up is a must. Email marketing is a way to reach out to your patients and target audience with information that is relevant to your practice as well as their oral health. Patients are likely to open an email if it contains helpful tips and information.
Newsletters are a great way to get your patients in the office for their regular appointments. Having them open their inbox to a beautifully designed and eye catching message is a way to set your office apart from the rest by letting them know that you genuinely care about their oral health and wellbeing.
Email marketing campaigns allow you to target patients with specific content which is carefully developed by our team of designers and content writers. It is a personalized way of connecting with your target audience that is sure to generate revenue for you, or at the very least remind your patients to floss!